The GO IMKASID program is intended to promote advancement and collaboration among participating Asian Societies of intestinal diseases. In 2019, a program was initiated on the suggestion of Professor Jeong-Sik Byeon, the 3rd director of the IAEC. At that time, 34 young Asian researchers from 14 countries had the chance to visit 18 Korean gastroenterology centers.
By participating in this program, we expect doctors outside Korea to be able to acquire and develop new knowledge and technical skills about inflammatory bowel diseases, colorectal tumors, advanced colonoscopy and small bowel endoscopy at outstanding training centers in Korea. The training centers will help participating trainees to acquire new knowledge through interesting case conferences, laboratory meeting, ward rounding/expert meetings and therapeutic endoscopy, etc. This newly acquired knowledge and skills are anticipated to be invaluable in promoting patient care back in the applicants' home country or region.